Results of Pickup's SR code applied to synthetic data. The images in the top figure are the low-quality images, and the images in the bottom figure show the outputs of various SR techniques, along with the original high quality image. "Huber" refers to a prior over high-resolution images, making the bottom-left image a result of a MAP technique, in contrast to the ML technique demonstrated in the upper-right.
I've read most of Pickup's thesis and played with the code on her site. The above figures were generated by applying her super resolution code to synthetic data. The code she supplies, which is written in Matlab with some mex C files, is able to perform super resolution given a priori knowledge of all the image generation parameters; these are the parameters that give geometric and photometric registrations, as well as the blur kernel. Unfortunately, this means that before her code can be used, all the parameters have to be independently inferred and fixed. This two-step process appears to produce results inferior to those obtained by simultaneous approaches, though the results may be good enough for this project.
At this point, there are at least 2 possible options for the future of this project. 1) I could write or find code that learns the model parameters, and feed the parameters to Pickup's SR code, or 2) I could write the code for a simultaneous algorithm from scratch. The second approach would be more fun, but has a lower chance or working, so I'll likely go with the first option.
Oscar Beijbom, a student of David Kriegman, is also interested in SR, so we may end up developing the code together.
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